Saturday, November 14, 2020

How do you INSPIRE others?

Inspiring others to make a difference

by: M.B.Varville-Rodriguez



It is important to recognize that what we say and how we say it can create a mood or vibe. The nuances of language are complex. Words contain power in their presentation. And it's not just the words that create energy. Your approach and how you care for others is infused into your messages. Daily interactions provide insights into how you feel, your intent, and what you find important in life.  The way you choose to communicate is the result of many variables including:









One way to enhance your ability to communicate and inspire others is to watch and learn from those who have practiced this skill and do it well. You have a wealth of resources available via social media and other outlets. Finding the ones that resonate with you may take a little time, but it is worth the search. Here are some of the places I have found inspiration.  


Mikki Williams


I had the pleasure of attending a workshop presented by Mikki Williams several years ago during an AFAA certification conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Not only is she an expert story teller, she is also an incredible inspirational speaker. Mikki has a talent for grabbing her audience's attention and making them think about the possibilities available in life and in business. At the conference I attended, she also shared her creative choreography talents as a dancer. Our group of exercise/fitness instructors learned how to build fun cardio routines for our classes. But even more than that, we learned how important it is to recognize each person's unique story and incorporate that into our work as fitness instructors. It was a moment in my personal history that made a lasting impression. And isn't that what communication is about? We all hope that something we say or do will help others in their journey.  Mikki shared that we cannot "motivate" others to do what we think they need to be doing. But we can "inspire" them to make choices and changes. Remembering this has helped me countless times and in many areas of my life. Years after I saw Mikki, she continues to offer insights via her web page. I recently decided to get recertified in group fitness after remembering how much I enjoyed teaching. I signed up for classes and just received my study materials. (After connecting with Mikki on LinkedIn, those memories of her workshop came flooding back.) So check out Mikki's site and find out all the amazing things she has to offer. You will find inspiration.
The first person I met on my first day of high school was James Divine. We arrived at the door leading to the band room at the same time. (If I am remembering correctly.) I was very introverted and nervous about my first day of high school. His kind smile and greeting immediately put me at ease, and that day was the beginning of a lasting friendship. Throughout our four years in band, he was the big brother I needed, my ride home from band practices and games, and the person I trusted no matter what. I watched him grow in confidence and was happy for him when he fell in love with the woman he would one day marry. All that time, I never once suspected he held on to a dark secret that haunted him. I didn't find out until many years later when we ended up reconnecting. James is an accomplished musician, author, and inspirational speaker who has helped many individuals realize there is life beyond trauma. He is a teacher and advocate for those who need to find their voice. His most amazing accomplishments are being a husband, father, grandfather, and friend to many. I know that one day I'll get my books published too, because James has written about how it can be done even when you are busy and going in a million directions. And because I know James confronted his trauma, I have been able to reassure others that they too can overcome theirs.  Check out what he has done. You will find inspiration.

World of Writer Mom's Communication Tips
Three things that create roadblocks to communication:
1. Assumptions  2. Expectations 3. Generalizations

Read more about these roadblocks at

Wishing all of you a week of adventures
solutions to your challenges,
answers to your prayers,
& resources to help you accomplish
all of your collaborative projects!

Kindest Wishes,
~ Mary

Copyright 2020 World of Writer Mom
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I enjoy taking time to research products that look interesting and may provide helpful resources to you and your family. The opinions, knowledge, and experiences I write about are my own. Real Life Awareness: Recommendations do not imply liability, responsibility for disappointments or failed expectations, or regret over budgeting woes. I trust each reader to use their own good judgment when it comes to knowing what will work best for you and your family. (Because...well...I am not the ultimate decision maker, judge, or source of approval for anyone except myself...and my children...until they are legally allowed to represent themselves.)
Thank You for taking time to read, participate, and share your adventures with me. Hopefully, we'll find something to occasionally purchase, enjoy, and use in an effort to create a special moment.
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