1. Family and Friends (Sometimes there's no difference.)
I am grateful to immediate family and to the
friends who are family in my heart.
2. The children who continue to challenge the heck
out of me and push me out of my comfort zone.
3. The awesome professional resources I trust to
advise me regarding the physical, emotional, social,
and spiritual components of parenting my children.
They are my "Team" and I appreciate their insights.
advise me regarding the physical, emotional, social,
and spiritual components of parenting my children.
They are my "Team" and I appreciate their insights.
4. The ability to share, collaborate, and process
the many aspects of my life as a writer and parent
with some incredibly talented, inspired, and creative
with some incredibly talented, inspired, and creative
writers, parents, and other professionals.
As our Thanksgiving 2017 begins to wind down,
and the dishes from the last load
in the dishwasher are put away,
I'd like to thank everyone who has taken a moment to...
and the dishes from the last load
in the dishwasher are put away,
I'd like to thank everyone who has taken a moment to...
1. Read a post, tweet, or article.
2. Write a comment or compliment.
3. Like, follow, or share something you've read.
4. Offer encouragement and inspiration.
This writer mom acknowledges all who contribute to my
inspiration, my sanity, and my interest in learning more
about the individuals with whom I share life's adventures.
Sometimes the adventures keep me close to home,
and sometimes those adventures provide insights far away;
but the best part of any adventure or journey includes
expanding your knowledge base.
Each day is an opportunity to become
a better individual with an appreciation for
those who are less fortunate, disenfranchised, and in need
of a resource for which they have yet to discover.
Please consider what resource you can contribute, whether
it is a skill, talent, or donation. I'd love to learn
how you share your gifts with your community.
We each have opportunities to either
enhance our interactions with others or
create discord. How will we celebrate and
contribute as 2017 comes to a close?
contribute as 2017 comes to a close?
Notice: The graphics is this article are not my own. If anyone knows the sources
please contact me so I can properly give credit and/or remove
if the artist prefers I not use them. The photos are perfect for the message
I wanted to convey and I apologize for not knowing their sources.
please contact me so I can properly give credit and/or remove
if the artist prefers I not use them. The photos are perfect for the message
I wanted to convey and I apologize for not knowing their sources.
Wishing all of you a week of adventures,
solutions to your challenges, and
answers to your prayers.
Kindest Wishes,
c.2017 World of Writer Mom
#WorldofWriterMomRecommends #WriterMomAdvocate
#Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingInspirations #Thanksgiving2017 #GivingDay2017
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Thank you for visiting WorldofWriterMom.org I appreciate your time and comments. Kindest Wishes, Mary